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The Building of National Bank of Romania, SlatinaCod 1668

The Building of National Bank of Romaia was built in 1908, being the most representative bank in Slatina at the time.
Later became the Olt branch of National Bank of Romania until September 2000 when it was disbanded. Since then, the building houses the County Election Office when election ballots are organized.
The construction is performed the Neo-Romanian style and was listed as historical monument since 2004.
National Bank of Romania (BNR) is the central bank of Romania, having legal personality. This is an independent public institution with headquarters in Bucharest and may have branches and agencies in Bucharest and in other cities of the country.
National Bank of Romania was established in 1880 with an initial capital of 30 million lei (of which 10 million from state capital, and the remaining 20 million are mainly privately owned by the family of Brătianu). The National Bank of Romania is the 13th central bank established in the world, established before the central bank of Japan or the US Federal Reserve System.
The first banknote issued by the NBR was of 1,000 lei, that circulated until the year 1933. Until 1948, the institution was private.
The main responsibilities of the NBR are:
– The development and implementation of monetary policy and of exchange rate policy;
– Licensing, regulation and prudential supervision of credit institutions, promote and oversee the smooth operation of payment systems for ensuring financial stability;
– To issue banknotes and coins as legal tender on the territory of Romania;
– Setting the exchange rate regime and to supervise its observance;
– Romania’s international reserve management.
Moreover, the NBR supports the general economic policy of the State, without prejudice to its primary objective of ensuring and maintaining price stability.
In fulfilling its functions, the National Bank and the members of its governing bodies shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or other institution or authority.

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