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The Cultural Center Ion Vinea, GiurgiuCod 1044

The Cultural Center Ion Vinea is the pillar of cultural and artistic activities in Giurgiu; its activity is based on a rich cultural tradition and giurgiuvean music, sustained  over time by great personalities like Victor Karpis, Teodor Bratu Gheorghe Barbulescu and continued today by high-class professionals, under the direction of music teacher Virgil Petanca.

The Local Cultural Center of Giurgiu, by its core professionals, by its structure, classification and performance, has proposed to represent itself nationally and internationally, by means of folk area Vlasca”, to know, to preserve, convey and through participation in cultural and artistic events, to voice its traditional values, thus contributing to promoting a positive image of the municipality.

Professional group of songs and dances “Doina Dunarii” is the  fruit of work and enthusiasm of the dancers led by choreographer Velicu Prodan, of Orchestra, instrumentalists and vocal soloists, led by maestro Stefan Stoica. „Valahia” blowers Orchestra, whose founder is Professor Virgil, has managed with moral and material support of the City Council and City Hall Giurgiu  to be noticed and appreciated both nationally and internationally, with a premiere for a giurgiuvean band of this kind, through its participation in the International Festival “George Enescu”.





Courses and cultural and artistic activities


  • Modern Dance – 20 RON / month (prof. Stefania Moga)
  • Musical instruments (guitar, organ, piano) – 20 RON / month
  • Canto Pop Music and Folk – 20 RON / month (prof. Bocce Carmen Mihaela)
  • Painting – 15 RON / month (prof. Serbanescu Tanase Petra)
  • Dances – 10 RON / month (prof. Prodan Velicu)
  • Theatre – without charge (prof. Ionela Cralevici)


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