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The Emilian Stanev’s Museum House, Veliko TarnovoCod 2495

The Emilian Stanev’s House Museum is located in the town of Veliko Tirnovo. The Museum has been built for 6 years and was opened on 5 of May 1987 to celebrate the 80 years of Bulgarian writer. The museum is different from the typical model of a museum. Music welcomes you in the doorsteps, on the background of which you may see the room, where the great master has been born, his family tree or typewriter with which the author wrote his works.

The Emilian Stanev’s House Museum was built in the birthplace of the writer, where he lived since his birth in 1907 until 1922 when the family moved to the town of Elena. Nothing authentic was preserved. Today,only the first floor is booked for architectural distribution, in order to be separate the birth hall of the great master of the words . Entering the house, we encounter symbolic and ritual music, the background of which we are shown Emilian Stanev’s family tree. The place of Nikola-Emilian is highlighted in the Halbyuvski family, wherefrom he cames. People of the family – heads, artists, writers, actors, ordinary people – gather in themselves, into a scale model of society, the memory of a whole epoch. The collages on the walls are pictures of Emilian’s parents,relatives, colleagues. The exhibition on the first floor ends with a slide film, which contains memories and images from the early twentieth century. The images of merchants and craftsmen from Samovodene Bazar, photos of everyday people’s life, with wars and disasters, that have come across our country and, which have an echo especially in this town reveal themselves, as if it would strenghten the writer’s words, according to which everybody should know it and honore its hystory.

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