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The Monk’s Hole (Cave), ArbanasiCod 2518

The easiest way to reach Monk’s Hole cave is a trail from the western end of the village of Arbanassi – approximately 600 m to the Great Fountain ”Little Lako”. Then the road goes up the ravine and then another hundred meters through the bushes to reach the small pond in front of the cave. The entry into the cave is is shaped like a belly. It is relatively easy to get to a depth of about ten meters. From the left corridor of the cave during the year A small stream flows, which after rain becomes extremely abundant, and itis good to wear boots when going to the cave.
Adventurers found an artificial lake, which probably was used for rituals in the past.
Caves-belly are distinguishable from others by its specific form. Some believe that in the past these were Thracian sanctuaries. They could have been used for occult activities, even during a period in which almost everyone was worshiping the Mother Goddess. În According to Kostadin Dimov geophysics, the caves were enlarged in order to reach the light in the room.

And, according to the Thracian culture theory of the late Alexander Fol, the Thracians were used for rituals exactly well-lit caves. Performing these rituals they thought that the Earth (the Belly-Cave) is fertilized by the Heavenly God, namely the Sun.

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