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The Five Razsukanov’s Houses (Hadzhi Dimitrov’s Houses), ElenaCod 2575

The five Razsukanov’s Houses (Hadzhi Dimitrov’s Houses), located on “Sava Katrafilov”, are monuments of culture of national importance. This is a very interesting ensemble of five houses under one roof. The houses were built from hadzhi Dimitar Razsukanov for his five sons. The houses are located on a street corner on a small land received from the Nativity of God’s Mother Church across the Street. The wide gutters of the five houses are a part of the ensemble following the line of the curved street. In the yard each house has two floors but only the first and the second have also an intermediary floor and from the street they all seem to have three floors.

All five houses are ensemble in a line on one street corner. The houses were built at the end of the XVIII and early XIX century. The façade of each is related to neighbouring buildings. The structure of the houses was practical for the lifestyle during those years. They are traditional houses with a stove and an upper porch in the yard. In four of the house the ground floor was the shop. Each house had its own typical architecture to distinguish it from the others as well to give a special beauty. The houses are in private property and can be seen only as an architectural ensemble.

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