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The Lighthouse on the Shabla Cape, ShablaCod 2047

Cape Shabla is the easternmost point in Bulgaria. It is located about 5 km east of the city. The oldest lighthouse sailor, Lighthouse of Shabla is located there. It is 32m tall. It was built in the year 1856. It called Aleksandriyski lighthouse. Around it you can see traces of the ancient city walls fortified Caron Limen. The lighthouse is lit in white, three times at intervals of 25 seconds, in case of good visibility it can be seen from a distance of 17 nautical miles. It has 132 steps leading to the halogen spotlight. Basically Shabla lighthouse is square. Width is nearly 9 m and height of the base is 10 m. Interestingly for the lighthouse is that the wall is built on the west side with the monogram of Sultan Abdul Medgid. He led the mid-century Ottoman Empire. XIX.

Shabla’s inhabitants, not without pride, say they have a smaller version of one of the seven wonders of the ancient world – Lighthouse of Aleaxndria. Lighthouse lightning rod tip is gilded. Its walls are 1.20 m thick and even winter cold does not penetrate into the room. Headlight guards who monitor its operation day and night are four. They change every eight hours. It is curious that just worked here only female guardian of such a facility – Todorka Hadzhiivanova. Lady and her husband, Ivan, have served lighthouse many years. Today, Atanas Atanasov, their son is the successor to their profession and is chief of maritime navigation equipment. Ignition and headlight depens on sunrise and sunset.

In the walls of the tower, no more than 10 years ago was incorporated a message for future generations. Message of the guards will be opened in year 2056. It contains data on the distance between the coast and lighthouse. Men have measured the distance is 13 m, and according to statistics maintained year 1948 it was 29 m. The guards want this space to be measured and compared after years.

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