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The “Holy Trinity” Church, DobrichCod 2034

The “Holy Trinity” Church is located in th central part of the city of Dobrich. The older ecclesial building, on this place was built in 1859, to the left from the entrance of today church. Here was opened th first school building in town, where mutual method was teached. The Curch of today was built in 1911. Architecturally, it is a classic basilica divided into three naves, with dome and bell tower. The icons from its iconostasis are the work of his pupil Repin – Gospodin Zheliazkov.
The Holy Trinity Church celebrates its first worship service on December 6, 1908. At that time, the church used the old iconostasis, but 3 years later, the Holy Trinity in Dobrich is finally completed. In 1912 the church was consecrated by the diocesan bishop Simeon together with the Mitropolitan from Scopie, Teodosie, a special guest.
Recently, the Holy Trinity Church in Dobrich was restored completely. Repairs have began in 1997 and since then they are conducted in phases. The roof of the temple was in a very bad condition, and the next step is painting the restoration of facades and interior walls. The next stage is to renew murals. And this restoration was carried out by citizens of Dobrich.

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