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Archaeological Reserve Yailata, 1.5 km south of Kamen BryagCod 2083

Yailata is a unique corner of the Black Sea coast. Located northeast of Bird Bay, between Cape Shabla and Kaliakra majestic Cape, about 1.5 km south of Kamen Bryag. “Yailata” is a picturesque place that topographic represents a terrace half km dug in the steep and rocky shore with access extremely difficult at sea and on land.
Yailata natural protection has attracted people from ancient times. During excavations in the caves there were found valuable artifacts and materials from different historical eras. Particularly interesting are the cave tombs. The oldest dates back to 8000 years ago.
For conservation of Yailata as an extremely rich archaeological monument, in 1989 was declared archaeological reserve.

Antiquity fortress Tariza

The fortress rises in the north of the terrace plain, so-called “Yayla Mare”. Its location dominates the surrounding land and is separated from the north and east of the sea, with a massive vertical rock over 20 meters high. This required the construction of defensive walls only from the west and south. With the land front against the west wall rises four solid towers, and in the eastern end of the south wall was placed a city gate. Inside the fortified settlement was discovered some of the main street, leading from the entrance to the city center, and a large building, which probably served as a visiting guard. Interest stone staircase is glued to one of the buldings indicating that it had two floors.
Most neuralgic point and important to the operation and defense of the fortress was the gate. It’s like tower – gate with two inputs. The exterior door was barred by lowering so-called cataracts, and internal – double door, closed with massive wooden beams. Above the entrance, which was vaulted, rises a tower on the door which offered better security gate and land around it.
The various archaeological materials – made from copper, bronze, bone and clay and numerous coins, shows that the city of the “Yailata” is built at the end century V – early century IV. It was there during some of the most powerful and devastating attacks of Slavs and bulgarians. Its life continues until the last quarter of the century VI, when coming to the end for about three centuries. Only in the century IX around it appears a settlement strabulgara. Like most settlements in Dobrogea also “Yailata” was destroyed by pecenegs in the middle of the eleventh century. After this date the life of this place dies completely.

Necropolis Cave

Funeral are over 120 facilities in the three cemeteries discovered in reserve, plan plateau carved cave or vertical slopes. They can be seen on the Crimean Peninsula. In southern terrace Yayla are exploring a number of so-called type cave tombs. They stay at the base of the massif of rock and consists of small anteroom which enter the burial chamber. In one of the graves was discovered stylized image of a bull’s head – the only decoration of plastic found in the cemeteries investigated so far.
With few exceptions, almost all the tombs were plundered in ancient times or more in recent time. Inventory grave found – clay bowls, dishes, glasses, lamps, small bronze and iron buckles, glass beads, coins and other dates them in chronological limits of century II-V after Hr. The graves were of families and worked for a long time.

Cave Colonies

On the reserv’s territory are placed a large number of caves carved by human hands. So-called “cave city” consists of 101 single or grouped in complex caves situated at different levels in vertical rock slopes replaced century V BC to sec. XI after Hr. and used by people as homes, tombs and churches or cells.
Best known among tourists is Klis Maar, also known as rock church “St. Konstantin and Elena”.
The second name the cave receives in century XIX from the Christian population in Kamen Bryag village, that after several centuries of interruption again revived the religious life of this place of worship. It is assumed that originally served as the residence Klis Maariv. Many crosses in three rooms and runic signs in the second chamber of the cave indicate that in the early Middle Ages it was the Christian church, which ran until the end of the century XI after Hr. and after a long interruption reopened in century XIX.

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