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The Art Gallery, DobrichCod 2020

Art Gallery in Dobrich is a museum specialized in fine art. The Gallery is hosted by a building which is a cultural monument. It was built in the period 1933 – 1935, and it is interesting as an example of European influence on the architecture in the city (architects are Italian and Romanian graduates).
In the Art Gallery in Dobrich exposed over 3000 masterpieces – paintings, sculpture, graphic and decorative plastic, made by Bulgarian art masters from different generations. Some of the most valuable exhibits are the works of Markvichka Vladimir Dimitrov – Maistora, Zlatyu Boyadzhiev, Alexander Petrov, Bencho Obreshkov, Vasil Zahariev, Pencho Balkanski, Dechko Uzunov and others.
Dobrich Art Gallery is one of the largest museums of fine arts which offers to its connoisseurs and visitors a rich permanent exhibition and a saturated exhibition calendar. The building was built in the spirit of neoclassicism in the 30s of 20th century and it is a cultural monument. The building stands up in the heart of the city and focuses on architectural and cultural memory of Dobrich community. On two floors in 9 meeting rooms it is arranged the permanent exhibition of the gallery, where priceless masterpieces of painting, sculpture and graphics of the early century exhibits are exposed – from the beginning of the 20th century up to the 90s.

Permanent thematic collections: “Gold Dobrogea”, “Sculpture”, “paper” and “Graphics” are of interest.
The “Revival” room is an object of the museum building of the Art Gallery – Dobrich. There is exhibited the collection “Icons of Dobrogea.” It presents works from around Dobrogea, painted by artists-painters of the Triavna period sec. XVII – XIXth. Among these works are distinguished the works of Zaharia Tsanyuv, Nedko Todorovici, Koycho Dosyuv. Particularly valuable are the icons “St. Cyril and Methodius”, which is the richest collection of the country with images of Saints.
Dobrogea icons are magnificent examples of Renaissance iconography, full of light and life. They are part of the national wealth of Bulgarian icons.

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