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Exhibition “Dobrogea and the Sea”, KavarnaCod 2043

Exhibition “Dobrogea and the Sea” is an integral part of the Museum of History in the town of Kavarna. It is situated near the main building of the museum, in the restored old Turkish bath, also known as the Turkish Hamam from the XVI century.

The Hamams are an important part of the Ottoman city structure and occupies a special place in the late Middle Ages architecture. In general, they are divided into public and private. Differences are not only in architecture, size and their building, but also in the equipment they use. In some, water is heated in a boiler room, while others use warm mineral water springs on which they are built.

In the former Turkish bath, The Maritime Museum is housed today, presenting valuable exhibits depicting life of the sedentary older population in these places, the Thracian gold treasure and rare artifacts related to ancient navigation on the shores of Dobrogea.

The exhibition reflects the maritime history and civilization of this region. Here it can be seen stone anchors, amphorae, coins, golden Thracian treasures and rare evidence for ancient navigation, found in the shorelines of Dobrogea.

In this unique and isolated phenomenon in world’s archeology is the roll of Kaliakra. It is stored in a separate room – “Treasury”. Its specificity is in its composition polymetallic (rolls known until now have a uniform composition of metal – copper or gold). In terms of dating, it can be fairly accurately in attracting appropriate analogies. The roll of Kaliakra can be connected with Egypt during the New Kingdom, because images with such rolls are also in Tel El Amarna (are made of gold), which refers to the time of Pharaoh-heretic Amenhotep IV, known as Akhenaten, and also there are similar pictures of bullion on cylindrical objects with cuneiforms, dating from the fourteenth century BC. The roll is a toval lying form and is interpreted as a form of pre-currency used in the trade during the XIV century BC.

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