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The Necropolis of Durankulak, DurankulakCod 2018

On the big island on the Lake of Duranturnulshko is the largest to date prehistoric objectiv in Balkan Peninsula in exploration.
The scientists enroll the leftover stone buildings found here to in early Eneolithic (4750-4500 î.Hr.) and define them as the oldest stone architecture from Europe. The only two-storey temple of stone in Balkans is discovered heer dating back in V millenium BC.
On the coast opposite the island was discovered the largest prehistoric cemetery in the world.
The 1,200 graves studied indicates that the necropolis was used for a long time – in the Neolithic and Copper Age, even continuously from the same population. This thing means that it survived many years of work and quiet social development.
Rich in funerary gifts were basically male burials. The gifts are a special burial pottery, marble and seashell ornaments and at the end of the copper era – of copper and gold. The difrences in funeral gifts indicate a large property and social stratification of society since then.
In a significant number of graves bones were not found but anthropomorphic figurines and funerary gifts typical for other funerals. This are probably Cenotaphs – symbolic graves of people who died far from their village. Their number is increasing at the end of the fifth century BC, which probably means that many of the villagers died during the war.
Men are placed in graves on the back with outstretched limbs, and women and children – in Hocker posture. In front of the mouth were discovered small buried earthen cups, probably part of the funeral rite. In the oldest graves were discovered bones of wild animals, especially broken pottery, stone tools. At funerals further increase the number of clay vessels.
Later, the villagers abandoned the habit of putting the animal bones in the graves, but were put instead axes, hoes and other horn tools, also “sewing kits” – and namely flint scraper, awl made of bone, shell clam. In these tombs appear first copper and gold ornaments.

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