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The Old Drinking Fountains, KavarnaCod 2038

In the past there were 12 drinking spring – fountains in Kavarna located along the valley to the sea. Among them only six were preserved. Each of drinking fountains has a long history . The oldest is a drinking spring of the Kavarn city, built around the XVth century, and the the most famous is Gumus Drinking Spring or Silver Drinking Spring. For that legends are preserved. According to one of them, water from the fountain was exported in Tsariorasul, and because of it the old Kavarna mastic had taste and quality. In the past, on the spring was written the inscription: ” Drink from the fountain, wash your face, that you’ll wash away our sins.””

A large amount of spring water, forming a small river, is also used to drive several mills and a karadzheika.

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