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Turgut Reis Mosque, BalchikCod 2010

The mosque is located near the harbor in the old part of town. It was built in the 19th century, and somewhere should be a special inscription (Kitab) to mention the year of 1293 H. Smaller building does not stand out, but it has a specific architecture.
It is believed that the tomb of Admiral Turgut himself was placed in the courtyard of the mosque, probably still there.
The Muslim temple has 243 years old and it is the oldest building here. The mosque was built afer a big storm by Admiral Turgut. When he was in distress on the sea, he promissed that if he reaches the shore he will build a mosque in the so-called slum Karagyol. And so it happened. Therefore the God’s house, which is now a cultural monument of local importance, bears the name of “Turgut Reis”. In the important days of Muslim holidays – Ramadan Bayram during the summer and Kurban Bayram in autumn, the two storey of the mosque are filled with Muslim worshipers.

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