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State Hunting Complex “Tervel”, TervelCod 2078

State Hunting complex got its name from the town of Tervel, around which are forests and complex. CVD Tervel is located in Dobrich region and covers the entire territory of the municipality of Tervel, 26 localities.
Tervel CVD exist as forestry unit since the year 1934.
Located in the Danube valley – Southern Dobrogea. Forests and forest areas are scattered and form the massive complex individual and are separated by farmland. Tervel morphological relief CVD refers to the type of “low hills”. The total area is a vast valley with undulating, slightly inclined to the north, and is cut from the dry valleys, which locals call “kulatsi.” Dominant tree species in the territory are asking acacia, encountered also silver linden, ash, field ash American Gleditsia, mulberry, black pine etc.
Favorable weather conditions cause great diversity of species of animals and plants on the territory of the state hunting complex in Tervel.
The main hunted species that inhabit the territory of the complex are: red deer, wild boar, deer.
The complex’s strong point is hunting and photo hunting of migratory birds. With the great success is characterized hunt pheasants, ducks, geese, snipe, doves, quail.

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