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The Marius Vorvoreanu Monument, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1455

The initiative of building the Roman – Catholic Congregation was launched in 1860, for satisfying the spiritual needs of the community of this religion from the city, significant as number and material state. Therefore, in 1858, the catholic community from Severin numbers 600 souls, fact which determines the appointment of a stable priest.

Also, in the year 1860, N. A. Niculescu, former prefect of Mehedinți, donates 2 places for the construction of the church. The congregation Turnu Severin was founded in the year 1861, by appointing the Franciscan priest Probus Szabo as stable missionary in the area.

The intermediary between the Roman – Catholic community and the administrative authorities for the construction of the church was for a period of time dr. Carol Davila.

The donation of N. A. Niculescu wasn’t accepted by the city hall until 1864, at the intervention of the central authorities. In this year also start the preparations for building up the church and, at the same time, of the school of the catholic community. The differences between the catholic community from the city and the Roman – Catholic Archiepiscopacy from Bucharest, led to the postponement of starting the construction of the church in 1885.

The construction was executed in a New – Gothic style, the church having the following dimensions: the length of 26 m, the width of 13 m, the tower of 28 m, with an aisle of 19 m length and 10, 5 m width, the presbyter having 8, 25 in length and 5, 53 in width.

The church was finished and consecrated in 1887 by Paul I. Palma, Archbishop of Bucharest, accompanies by Hipolit Agosto, Bishop of Nicopole.

The services in the new church started in 1888, and the titular saint of the church was fixed on the 8th of December (“The Innocent Conception”).

Between the years 1903 – 1904, it was finalized the tower, equipped with three bells. The church was seriously damaged following the bombardments during the Second World War, but it was later on repaired.

At the beginning of the Second World War, the Congregation received Polish refugees, among whom there also were the priests Eduard Degorski, Ladislau Welgorski and Stanislau Skudrzyk. In the English – American bombardments of the 15th of April and of the 23rd of August 1944 the church was damaged, being destroyed the stained glass, the organ pipe and the ceilings. In the autumn of the year 1944, the Archbishop Alexandru Cisar and the Parson Robert Lenz decide to reconsolidate the church. IN 1958 the exterior of the chuch was renovated. In 1961 the organ pipe was put again into function, which was repaired by Richard Wegenstein.

The current state of the church and of the congregation house is very good, because between the years 1990 – 2000 there were executed many works.

Currently, the Roman – Catholic Church constitutes a place of reverence for the 187 families and approximately 450 church goers from the congregation from Drobeta Turnu Severin.


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