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The Memorial House of Gheorghe Chițu, CraiovaCod 1317

The memorial house of Gheorghe Chițu was built up at the beginning of the XIXth century and it was the building in which Gheorghe Chițu lived.

Gheorghe Chițu (born on the 24th of August 1828, Ologa, the county of Romanați – deceased on the 24th of October 1897, Mirila, the county of Romanați), political man, jurist, had several mandates of senator and depute, minister, mayor of Craiova between the years 1862 – 1864, titular member of the Romanian Academy, collaborator at the Column of Traian, commanded by B. P. Hașdeu.

His father, a small sheepskin coat merchant, a knower of the Greek language, took refuge from the Turks by settling with his family in the parts of the Romanați. His son attended the primary school and the secondary school at Craiova under the guidance of the professor Ion Maiorescu. Being a very diligent student, the adolescent Chițu was taken under the protection of the kaymakam I. Bibescu, who ensured him the conditions for studying at the prestigious high school “Saint Sava” from Bucharest.

During the pașoptist revolutionary movement, the temporary Government entrusted him with the mission of commissioner with propaganda in Oltenia. After settling the conflicts some of the heads of the revolution were expelled outside the borders of the country, among them being also Gheorghe Chițu, who leaves at Vienne. Here he attends the legal studies, taking his license diploma in Law in 1857.

Coming back in the country, Chițu edited the newspaper “The Voice from Olt”, then entered in Magistrature. He becomes a president of the Court, then a prosecutor at the Court of Appeal from Craiova, but later on he resigns from the magistrature and starts to practice with success the advocacy. Also in the same period, Gheorghe Chițu enters in the politics as a member of the liberal group.

In a short time he becomes the leader of the liberal members from Oltenia, and in April 1866, from the function of mayor of Craiova he ensured the fact the fact he will make a good welcoming for the prince Carol in his road for occupying the throne of Romania.

Starting with this moment there intervenes an ascendant curve in the political career of Gheorghe Chițu. It is, once a time, a depute, senator, minister of the Finance, minister of Justice, the minister of the Interns in the governments administered by Ion C. Brătianu, and on the 24th of May 1875 there are numbered the founder member of the National Liberal Party.

Founder of the Commercial School from Craiova, who today bears its name, taught here the commercial demands (October 1878 – November 1891), then he was a teacher of legal sciences at the University from Bucharest. Chițu was the president of the Society for teaching the Romanian people (June 1887 – June 1888). For special merits in the development of education and of the Romanian culture, he was chosen a titular member of the Romanian academy on the 27th of June 1879.

Getting ill of a hard malady, Gheorghe Chițu retired from the public life in 1889 and he died after a hard suffering on the 24th of October 1897, at the age of 69.


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