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The Merdaniya Monastery, MerdanyaCod 2537

The Merdaniya Monastery “St. 40 Martyrs” is located in Veliko Tarnovo diocese. Located on the heights of Stara Planina in Central Tarnovo at about 14 km from Veliko Tarnovo, at the western edge of the village Merdanya. The Monastery of Merdaniya can be reached by the main road which links the city of Veliko Tarnovo to Elena city.

The Merdaniya Monastery “St. 40 Martyrs” dates back in 13th century and, according to the legend, it was built on the site where the Patriarch of Turnovo Yoankiy the IInd solemnly welcomed the Tsar Ivan Asen the IInd, his victory at Klokotniţa, which took place on feast day of 40 Martyrs Saints. La cucerirea Regatului Tărnovo de către otomani, mănăstirea a fost distrusă, the monastery was destroyed and his property passed into the hands of Turkish chieftains.
In the middle of the 19th century, a rich citizen of the town Elena, Hadji Kesarii Horozov, buys the former estate of the monastery of Merdaniya.He built the church in 1853 with his own funds and the dwelling buildings and became abbot of the revived monastery. The Abbot founded the evening school in the church of the monastery, lwhich was attended by Merdanya and residents of surrounding villages. During the national liberation struggles, Kesarii Horozov participated in the Conspiracy of Velcho and later in his partner Vasil Levski. After Kesarii death in 1893, the monks have left the Monastery of Merdaniya an dit became deserted. A little later, the monastery was rebuilt, as a nunnery, and remains so to this day.

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