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The Monument of Heroes, BăileştiCod 1294

The monument “the reuniting”, uncovered on the 24th of October 1924, was “dedicated to the Heroes from Băilești who died for the country 1916 – 1919”, in the fights from Cerna, Jiu, Olt, Argeș, Siret, Mărăști, Oituz, Danube, Dniester, Tisa, as it stands written on the monument, on the north side.

Like all the Romanians, also in the Second World War, the people from Băilești were present on the battle field for freeing the country and for the definitive victory over the fascism, where they remained 108 of the most courageous sons of the city.

On a plate situated on the southern part, which disappeared in time, we don’t know what it was written.

The work was artistically thought and executed by the sculptor I. Iordănescu, at the enterprise Vlăsceanu, in the year 1923, who created a monumental work situated on a surface of 45, 60 square meters and a height of 9, 39 m.

It is a monument thought in the spirit of the time, composed of overlapping plans: on the first plan there are inscribed, embossed, on the 22 plates of bronze and one of white marble, in an alphabetical order, the name of the fallen one, starting with the name of the officers and of the non-commissioned officers and it ends with the name of the soldiers, in total 384.

The second plan is formed from a concrete pedestal, over which it has been assembled, a fighting painting (statuary group) of bronze, formed from two elements: one soldier, in a fighting position and a woman who holds in the left hand a trumpet, signs of the mobilization for fighting for the country.

On the pedestal there are united two pieces, signs of the royalty: at the eastern part, Queen Mary, and at the western part, a vulture with the wings wide opened signs of the animus.

The two have been crafted in stone and, in the era of ideological confusion of the decades 6 – 7 of the XXth century, the two symbols have been destroyed.

These elements have been replaced with two large vessels, in which there were planted flowers.

The monument has been restored and re-completed by the sculptor from Băilești, Ilaroin Voinea, in the year 1996.

For 88 years, the generations, in their succession, are gathered in the Monument Square “the Reuniting” in order to celebrate the grand events of the country and in order to rememorize the gesture of the ones who, with the price of their lives, built the Grand Romania.


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