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The Monument of the Serbian Heroes, MedgidiaCod 1225

Throughout the centuries, of all the borderers of Romania, the only ones with whom our country didn’t have any kind of armed conflict were the Serbians. “Three friends – says the popular wisdom – have the Romanians: The Danube, the Black Sea and the Serbians.”

Certainly, as with any kinds of neighbors, minor or greater misunderstandings existed, but wars, confrontations with arms in the hands, never.

On the contrary, at great adversities, the two nationalities didn’t hesitate in taking the arms in order to help themselves. Even starting with 1389, in the great battle of Kosovo Polie (Câmpia Mierlei) of the Serbians with the Ottomans, Mircea cel Bătrân sent an expeditionary group in the support of the troupes of the prince Lazăr – but, the Serbians, were still defeated at the end.

Half of millennium later, during the first world conflagration, the Serbians, together with their language brothers, the Croatians and the Slovenes, came in the help of the Romanians with a division of volunteers, who, in harsh battles, which took place in the plains of Dobrogea, gave harsh blood sacrifices.

The Serbian militaries fought together with the Romanians against the Bulgarian attacks, at Pietreni, as well as at Bazargic or Topraisar.

In these battles, 18.868 people from the military division fell, 238 officers and 8.727 soldiers, which is why they were paid homage through a military religious ceremony.

In sign of honoring their sacrifice, at Medgidia was built, eight and a half centuries ago, an impressive monument – crypt, in front of which, year after year, on the 11th of November, for the Armistice Day in the great war of 1914 – 1918, is developed since then an emotional commemorative ceremony.

It was solemnly initiated on the 7th of September 1926 by king Ferdinand of the reunited Romania and king Alexandru Karagheorgevici, founder (remarkable coincidence, on the same date of the 1st of December 1918, when, at Alba Iulia, was proclaimed the Great National Unification of all the Romanians) of the Serbian – Croatian – Slovene Kingdom, which later became the Yugoslavian Kingdom. The two monarchs were otherwise related, the first one being the father in law of the second: four years ago, in 1922, king Alexandru Karagheorgevici married, with great pomposity, the princess Maria (Mărioara), daughter of king Ferdinand and of queen Maria.

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