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The Museum of Paleontology, ElenaCod 2562

The Paleontology Museum is housed in the home of Elena’s Popnikolov – one of the oldest buildings in the city from the Bulgarian Renaissance ( XVIII – XIX century) and archutectural monument of national importance. In 1980-1981 the house was completely restored and made available by University of Sofia “Sf. Kliment Ohridski” for training and research bases. Then, on the ground floor is the Museum of Paleontology, the ideea of putting into practice belonged to Acad. Prof. Todor Nikolov – Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Toulouse, France. The Museum has presented the Acad. Prof. Todor Nikolov, st. n. s. Stoycho Breskovski and the st. n. s. Kristalina Stoykova collections. In addition to the collections of prominent Bulgarian scientists in the museum are exhibited some of the discoveries found by students during their training practice in the town of Elena – fossils, minerals and others.

The remaining floors of the house of Popnikolov are used by students and professors from Sofia University as a training base.

The building itself is also interesting – a typical representative of Elena houses from the Renaissance.It was built in the first half of the nineteenth century – in 1830, the building has a facade on two streets – “Karshovska” and “Stefan Yovchev”. To the street it has three floors – groudfloor and two levels and to the courtyard – two levels. In the first years after the Liberation, technical service of the city was hosted in house, so it is still known under the name “Old Engineering”. It was declared an architectural monument in 1973

Open Wednesday to Sunday: 09:00 – 12:00 : 13.00 – 17.00.

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