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The Clock Tower, KilifarevoCod 2529

The clock tower of Kilifarevo is located 70 meters from the city center. It was built in 1810 by Ehedin Mustafa and Ibrahim Agha as an observer and a few months later was installed a clock.

After building the municipality announced a contest to find someone to provide a mechanism clock. The brothers Hadjidonchev have won this contest, and according to the rules, they have submitted a guarantee, too. However, they have not completed the task and lost guarantee. Then a trader introduced himself from Tarnovo who provided with the mecahnism. His name however remains unknown, despite the efforts of local historians, who researched the history Kilifarevo.
The clock has not stopped to measure the time and notifies the residents in the city every half hour. To be seen by Kilifarevo townspeople at night, around the Clock Tower was installed and attractive lighting system.

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