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Asenevtsi Monument, Veliko TarnovoCod 2479

The Asenevtsi Monument was built in 1985 in Veliko Tirnovo City and we celebrate 800 years since the uprising of brothers Asen and Peter.
Asenevtsi (the Asen’s) are the three brothers, who ruled Bulgaria after its Liberation from Byzantine rule. The firts two of them – Asen and Peter, have freed Bulgaria from Byzantine domination, by instigating all Bulgarians from Tirnovo and surrounding area to universal uprising in order to get the freedom. Their brother Kaloyan contributed so as Bulgaria to become one of the most important forces in Eastern Europe, and he is the first and the only one ruler who crashed the crusading army. And the fourth son, the tsar’s Kaloyan nephew, by diplomatic means and capable marriages managed to further increase of the power and territory of Bulgaria, extending its territories over three seas – Black Sea, Egean Sea and Adriatic Sea.
Their successor, Tsar Ivan Asen the IInd (John Asen the IInd) proved to be an outstanding diplomat and increases Bulgaria in its second glorious period in the history.
The sword pointing upwards, symbolizes the power in medieval Bulgaria. the monument of impressive proportions is situated on a picturesque place -the Stambolov Bridge at the foot of Mount Athos, near the river Yantra.

The monument is worth visiting in order to feel the greatness of medieval Bulgarian kings and to see the panoramic view that reveals itself from there.

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