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Alexander Stamboliiski Dam, Gorsko KalugherovoCod 2565

The Alexander Stamboliiski dam is located on the territory of Veliko Tărnovo and Gabrovo regions. It was built in 1954. The wall was built following a German project created before World War II. The dam was built on the territory of Bara village.

Alexander Stamboliyski is the first big dam in Bulgaria, built in 1954 during the brigade movement. The first part has 3 km from the western end of Sevlievo city and its wall is close to Gorsko Kalugerovo village, Suhindol city. It is located 13 km from Suhindol, 18 km from Pavlikeni, 33 km from Sevlievo and 50 km from Veliko Tărnovo. The total length starting from its beginning in Sevlievo up to the dam built near Gorsko Kosovo village is of 18 km.

The dam integrates the rivers Rositsa and Vidima. It was built on the territory of former Bara village which had to be relocated. Today when the waters dry out on the bottom are noticed the remains of the old buildings and the church’s cross.

The catchment area of the dam is 1478 The dam is 66 meters high and its base length is 300 m. The construction was started in 1940 and finished in 1954.

1 km from the wall, water sports facilities were build. “Alexander Stamboliiski” allows for fishing – carp, bream, perch pike, catfish, pike, rowing and sailing boats, windsurfing and water skiing.

Recreational and water sports facilities are built near Mladen village. The dam offers the possibility of spending shorter or longer vacations which can be combined with fishing – carp, bream, zander, catfish, pike, rowing and sailing boats, windsurfing and water skiing.

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