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The Palace of Justice, RuseCod 2309

Palace of Justice the city of Ruse is located in the city center in the north end of Liberty Square, across the street from the circular fountain. The building is built on the former Balakcha Market (fish market). Later, on this place was the Ruse Circus, too. Under its dome worked for a short time the „Olimpiya”cinema, c which later was transformed into the place where now stands up the old post office.

Palace of Justice in Ruse was designed as the first such building in Bulgaria. The original project was prepared by the architect Nikola Lazarov, and, later, a team from the Ministry of Justice, together with the architect P. Koychev, have reviewed it. Due to the fact that in the same place was also once upon a time, the house of the minister of justice, the construction was delayed several years. Therefore, first was built the Palace of Justice in Sofia.

The constructionof those from Ruse has begun in 1929 and completed in 1939. Its opening was marked on 28 January 1940. The building’s interior was fully designed by the architect Papazov, and the stained glass by prof. Ivan Penkov. Their execution was carried out in Germany. Columns of marble and granite floor, curved double stairway with a hand-railing and ornaments of various colors draw our attention.
The figures carved on the facade of the building were designed and made by prof. Lyubomir Dalchev in 1938.
Over the socialist years, here were hosted the The County and City Councils of Ruse. In 1990 it became again a Palace of Justice.
On the circular fountain site, was once a bus station, also called glass cabin. The bus station is a charming memeory for people of the city of Ruse, because it was one of the place where lovers were meeting.

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