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The Ruins of the Bălăceanu Courts, Tătărăștii de SusCod 1554

On Ilie Moromete’s plains, where there were once the vast woods of Teleorman (the Găvanu-Burdea plain), lived the landowners’ family Hrizea Bălăceanu 300 years ago. Also, the entire northern part of Teleorman county is under the Bălăceanu family „signature”, a large number of the settlements here being named after them (Balaci) or keeping some vestige to attest their presence in the area.

The Tătărăștii de Sus ruins are the most spectacular vestiges of the Bălăceanu family, a fortress in the true sense of the word, with 7 8 m high walls and small bastions in the corners.

In the interior courtyard you can identify where the mansion is, by the basements under it, emerged today. It was separated through another wall by the church on th estate, in ruin today but lasting. The Tătăraști monastary, as of 2009 bringing a ray of hope for the fortress preservation.

Also called “La ziduri”, the Hrizea Bălăceanu family court, dates to the 16th century. In the last years of the 18th century, Hrizea Bălăceanu’s sister, Zoita, with her husband Anghelache Amiras, bring the final modifications of the Tătărăști fortresses.

The compound, with a 5400 square m surface, is made up of two premises – the boyar court fortified with houses and annexes and the small premise respectively, where the church chapel.

Today there remain only the compound’s small premise and the church, of which fragments of columns, beams, buttresses and stones but also traces of freco paintings. In this medieval compound a convent foundation is desired.

According to some genealogy studies, the Bălăceanu family originates from Balaciu in Teleorman and also from the old Basarabi house. Brother Bălăceanu called „Uşurelul” (the light one) had this son aga Constantin, became count of the Habsburg Empire, son in law of Şerban Cantacuzino (married Maria) and sworn enemy of Constantin Brâncoveanu. He participates in the war against the Turkish, on the Austrians’ side, as he coveted the country’s throne. He is betrayed by a Cossack from Focşani, who fought in the army sent to the Turkish people’s aid by Constantin Brâncoveanu. After his treacherous death, it is said that Brâncoveanu ordered his head to be brought, which he then stuck on a pole, in the middle of the yard, where it stayed for a year. Ion, the son of aga Constantin Bălăceanu, will also perrish under torture, in Vodă Mavrocordat’s time, accused of treason towards the Austrians. For his betrayal, Brother Bălăceanu’s houses will be burned, only St. Dumitru church remaining.

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