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The Saint Voivodes Church, Amărăștii de JosCod 1285

It is the oldest church from the commune, with the titular saints of Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel. A first place of worship existed here even in the XVth century, but after it reached the state of ruin, it was redone in the XVIIth century and then expanded in 1759.

Near the old church there was built up a new place of worship, in the year 1913, through the impulse of the priest Florea Ionescu, the works being continued by the Priest Florea Tudoranescu and by his descendants. At the built up of the church there contributed the church goers from the locality and not only them.

The inauguration service for the church took place in the year 1922, under the glorious reign of King Ferdinand I by Vartolomeu.

The inscription of the church was situated under its wall in the year 1936.

The new church was built in the shape of a cross.

The two archangels, Michael and Gabriel, throughout the history of the Romanian population, have shown themselves many times in the life of the people.

Saint Archangel Michael: the first time when it is known about him, was the moment when the powers of evil, of Lucifer, who was the angel of light, the superior of the angels from the heavens, came across an enemy thought in his heart, an arrogant thought: to ascend, to put his chair above the chair of God. In that moment … he fell. And there appeared Saint Archangel Michael, who yelled from the altitudes of heaven: “let us stay well, let us stay with fear, let us remember!”

From that moment on, throughout the history of the Romanian people, Saint Archangel Michael, considered as he really is, the angel of righteous or of the law of God, showed himself many times in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. He intervenes in front of the enemy troops, defending the ones who asked God for help. There are many cases of interventions in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, Archangel Michael appears at the Resurrection of God and he lifts the rock from the tomb’s door. And after that he continues to show himself and to notify the people about the wish of God.

The Archangel Gabriel is the archangel of joy; his beautiful face, his affectionate and kind being, always brings joyful news. In such a manner that in the New Testament, the Saint Archangel Gabriel was given the good news of the births of the prophets: he announces Anna, the wife of Elcana that she will give birth to Samuil the prophet. After this, close to out times, to the New Testament, Saint Gabriel announces Zaharia and Elisabeta that they will give birth to Saint John the Baptist. Saint Archangel Michael shows himself to the Mother of Jesus, the Saint Virgin Mary and announces the birth of Jesus Christ, Emanuil. And after that, Archangel Gabriel protects the Mother of Jesus in the Temple, during her childhood and throughout the history of the New Testament, also, there is shown for many times this Archangel of Joy.


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