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The Statue of Liviu Vasilică, AlexandriaCod 1524

Liviu Vasilică (b. July 2, 1950, in Plosca, Teleorman County – d. October 19, 2004) was a Romanian traditional music singer in Teleorman County, by profession pediatrician.

He began his artistic activity of vocal popular music  in student days (1974-1980), ranking the first place in all stages of the National Student Art Festival, for the originality of the repertoire and style interpretation.

He debuted in the TV show on national television Folk Treasure on TVR1. He first recorded at the Institute of Ethnography and Folklore “Constantin Brăiloiu”. His passion for folklore determined him to collect authentic costumes fom Teleorman, achieving in a few years, a rich collection that is now in the patrimony of Ensemble of Songs and Dances “Burnasul” in Alexandria.

Liviu Vasilică was born on the second day of July 1950, in Plosca Commune, Teleorman County. His parents were intellectuals, prominent men of the time, his father was headmaster of a school and his mother a teacher.

As a child he was fascinated by Maria Tanase, which he listened carefully to the radio. The master taught first songs from a rhapsodist in Teleorman named Gogu Ivaşcu. The parents dream for their son, Vasilică, was for him to become a pharmacist, which has happened. For a while Liviu Vasilică was a pediatrician at Alexandria County Hospital. Those who knew him said that he loved children very much and that he behaved with great gentleness with children. He was married to Florina Vasilică, for 23 years and together they had four children: Svetlana Vasilică, Valentin Vasilică,, Florin Vasilică, and Livia Vasilică.  Of the children of the maestro, only Florin is the one who carries on his father’s legacy, being the leader of the Teleormanul.

Founded in 1987 by Liviu Vasilică and taken over, in 2004 by Florin Vasilică, Group Teleormanul managed to impose itself as the most representative artistic formation of Teleorman county. Currently, the Group Teleormanul led by Florin Vasilică,  performs authentic artistic recitals, in shows, broadcasts and events with private character, continuing what was a bequeathed to him by Liviu Vasilică.


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