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The Treasure from Vratsa, VratsaCod 2717

The treasure from Vratsa from the hill Mogilanska, was discovered in 1965 in the center of the city Vratsa. Here was discovered one of the two funerary treasures from Thrace before the Roman periods. The most interesting discoveries are in the tomb no. 2, where it is found a horse with a carriage and separate another horse skeleton, a silver bridle rein and silver applications. In the western part it was found a skeleton of a young lady, facing down with a golden crown on her head, 47 golden applications, two golden earrings, four silver phials, a silver description, a barring in the shape of strobili, amphora, a silver knee pad, 88 javelins, a sword, a bronze coif, 50 clay figurines and other artifacts.
Of a special value is the mirror which is placed in the left hand. A buried man with a height of 145 – 150 cm. He was a young man. Until no long ago being identified as a young woman. The jewels from ancient Thrace aren’t exclusively of a feminine gender. The science people state the fact that he was a prince of a Thracian tribe.
The amphora Rhytonised from Mogilanska has a height of 14 cm, 6 cm in the diameter, made of silver and it is dated at 339 years before Christ. According to the science people, this is part from the Royal service odris. Its body has the shape of cone. The cone is part of the Dionisos draw bar, which is unveiled with ivy or with grape vine and it ends with a pine cone. On the scale of the cone there are found the stylized symbols with the sun in relief.
The Mogilanska jar has a height of 9 cm, the weight of 240 grams, it is executed of gold and it is dated in the third trimester of the IVth century b. Chr. It has the shape of a small chair. The whole is covered with beads and at the neck it has a crown of palm leaves and on the handle it is also sewed on silk the shape of Hercules. On the lateral parts of the container there are emplaced opposite carriages, waiting. At them there are harnessed the horses with four corns whose bellied form a right line. The horses’ ribbons and armors are decorated with a circular appliance. Each carriage has as coachman Apollo. The images are greenhorn and his style is naïve. The hair is presented with parallel lines, with the eyes on the length and the head is disproportionate in connection with the body.
The armor from Mogilanska has a height of 46 cm and it is executed of silver with gold and it is dated in the third trimester of the IVth century b. Chr. The superior part of the patella has the shape of a woman with almond – shaped eyes. Her forehead is covered with an ivy crown. Her hair is in spiraled curls, on the forehead forming a small horizontal depth. From her ears there hang earrings in the shape of birds. It has large bands on the face, according to the experts marking tattoos. It is presented the image of the Great Goddess.
The small bottle from Mogilanska has a height of 4, 5 cm, the diameter of 10 cm, with a weight of 117.16 grams, it is executed from silver with gold and it is dated with 339 years before Christ. The phial organism is covered, and the lower part is decorated with a plaque. The adhesion is made with the technique of golden foil. The center is in the shape of a frame with a medallion with a profile of the Great Goddess. The goddess has a superb hair style and she wore earrings and a distinctive necklace.

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