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The Youth House, VratsaCod 2702

The Youth House from Vratsa is the first youth center from Bulgaria, opened in the autumn of the year 1968.

Throughout the years, the Youth House was formed as a youth space destined for the development and for the expression of the creativity of the young people to extend the cultural and the significant spiritual life. Creating some conditions for the interest and recreation activities for the young people.

In 1990 it was established as a youth municipal center and it passes of the full support of the budget of the municipality Vratsa.

Today, the Youth Municipal Center is the initiator of some unique and innovation practices for the activities for which it is famous at home, in the same manner as in many countries from Europe and from the world.

The Youth House organizes and develops:

• The International Theatre Festival for the Youth “The Time”;

• national recital – Competition for the Botev Days and the Renaissance Poetry and Prose for the amateurs. It took place within the festival the Botev Days organized by the City Hall of Vratsa;

• The Regional youth fair “Spring drops”;

• Testing the vocal groups and the individual interpreters;

• “Rockalution” – break-dance tours with international participation;

• The National Sporting Dance Tour;

• Demonstrations of martial arts;

• The “Rising Stars: tour – sporting dance for dance couples and for children;

• National meetings of the children and of the young parliamentarians from Bulgaria;

• The artistic gymnastics and esthetics tour “The Stars”;

• The annual awards for the amateur art “Learning for covering”;

• The National Contest for Contemporary Choreography “The dance in Vratsa”;

• The National Poetry Contest the “Love”.

The activity is adapted to the individual abilities, interests, creativity and the needs of the young people – rehearsals and concerts; there are made meetings with known artists; there are musical shows of different music styles – there are visits of the pop, rock and hip-hop artists; there are promoting activities of the national traditions and of the morality, of the tolerance and democratic understanding. The creative potential of the young people is developed in the city in 16 clubs and creative formations.

The Youth House is actively involved in the development and in carrying out the municipal politics for working with the young local community to the spending of the free time. It assists to the methodical, organizing and technical implementing of the activities of the School municipal council, ONG, informal groups of young people. There are developed commune activities with the school, the cultural institutions and other working institutions of work for solving the problems of the young people from the region.

Another direction of the activities of the Youth Center is the including of the young people in the values of the civil society, which organizes and develops a series of youth forums, campaigns and initiatives, courses, workshops and training workshops for developing the social abilities and of knowing the young people. The volunteers from the Center can realize their ideas, of motivating and of activating their colleagues for useful activities from the social point of view.

The Youth House helps at disseminating the knowledge about the European Union and works in an active manner at the European programs.
In the year 2007, at the House there was opened the Informing Center for Youth – the consulting center which offers a wide range of information, advices, courses of motivational forming, according with the real needs of the young people, according to the age, education, sex, social, professional status, health, civic and cultural interests.

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