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Tourist Information Centre, RuseCod 2387

Russian Tourist Information Center provides Information for both cultural and natural attractions in the municipality of Ruse and about the city’s cultural calendar. Information can be found here on accommodation, eating places, hours and entrance fees to museums, tours contacts organiează companies in Bulgaria and Romania. Tourist Information of the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria, and more.

Ruse, often called “Little Vienna” charms its guests with 23 centuries of History, with its unique architectural style and its European identity. At the end of the nineteenth century, due to its proximity to the geographical heart of Europe, it turned into the largest and most beautiful city of Bulgaria, known not only as a city of the aristocracy and free spirit, but also as a city of music and culture.

20 km su city AFS is a unique and picturesque corner – Natural Park “Rusenski Lom”. Therein lies one of the objectives under the protection of UNESCO – Archaeological Reserve “Ivanovo rock churches” whose murals are considered as the most important achievement of Bulgarian medieval art.

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