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Urban Life Museum, RuseCod 2346

The house that houses the exhibition Urban Life Museum was built in the 60s of the nineteenth century. It was hosted Consulate in Prussia. After the Liberation of Bulgaria (1878), the house became the property of the wealthy merchant in the city of Ruse, Stefan Kamburov – prominent citizen, participant of the reception committee of the Bulgarian Exarchate in Constantinople (1870). At his invitation, in 1886, came from Bucharest to Ruse Austrian painter Charles Shausberg who iscripţionat walls and ceilings of the second floor, so being considered modern at the time. Walls and his signature Shausberg were kept.

The exhibition at the Museum of Urban Life is from a later period compared with the style of the house. The exhibition focuses on signs of modernity and everyday celebrations of the Russian population from the late nineteenth century, early twentieth century. Urban Life Museum was opened in 1987. It is the first ethnographic museum presents the new urban culture (bourgeois). On the first floor temporary exhibition presents various collections of museum funds, illustrates vate commercial and cultural ties with Europe developed the town and rapid absorption by the inhabitants of the Russian cultural săbătorii new models and the everyday. In 2007, it was exposed theme “Food and nutrition modernism”. This illustrates the changes in urban cuisine that have symbolic importance in the processes of creating socio-cultural patterns of behavior typical urban. The new “machine” in the kitchen – ovens and refrigerators, freezer, Slicers, mixers, changing ways of preparation and food storage, and services expensive to eat from china, glass and silver are the sign of a new status and social prestige. Appeared typical urban public catering establishments – due to urban development as necessary conditions for leisure.

The second floor of an inner-present example of a rich urban homes, with characteristic spaces – guest lounge, lounge music concerts in the house, maid’s room and bedroom.
They are in agreement with Austria and Germany imported furniture and decoration objects in porcelain, glass, silver, pearl “tells” not only about the development of trade links the city with Europe, but also the financial possibilities of famiiilor wealthy Russian.
Urban Life Museum is known as the Bathtub Caliopi. Caliopi beautiful urban myth tells that his girlfriend was Midhat Pasha.

Entrance fees: For foreign students – 1.00 lv. For individual visitors – 4.00 lv., For groups (more than 5 people) – 3.00 lv., Presentation in Bulgarian – BGN 4.00.

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