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Zottu House, ConstanțaCod 1115

Constanta history is a remarkable page in the history of Romania, the port-city being today one of the earliest settlements atested on our country.  Tomis, the former Greek colony, was contained in what is today called “Old Town”, the historic area around the Casino.

This phrase has its roots in the period of systematization and modernization of the city, period established especially after 1878 when Constanta, along with all Dobrogea, enters into the Kingdom composition. The city upgrade began from the harbor area, the prone place due to its strategic economic location. Thus, one of the  first avenues  emerging, with a royal birthday is the Elisabeta Avenue, the boulevard that, once economic growth and systematized development began also to appear the representative buildings.

Actions of characters like Antonio Alexandridi (major in the 8-9 decades of the nineteenth century), and Mihail Koiciu (major in three mandates between 1886-1897) or Panait Holban had to facilitate the modernization and urban development, so that in a few decades, Elisabeta Avenue would become the social, residential, economic and touristical center.

Zottu house named after its first owner – Gheorghe Zottu  was raising on the Elisabe Avenu between 1898-1900, Announcing the appearance of other surrounding buildings: Manisallian House (architect Ion Berindei) and especially the  Casino. George Zottu lawyer, former judge in Pitesti was at the turn of the century, one of the most important characters of the city,  being, since 1895, the President of Constanta Court. The House has Roccoco motifs included in an eclectic vision.

Two facades, courtyard and street, with rounded corner and prismatic bay window upstairs, the building gas windows and rococo motifs of a wide variety of plants.

the house is the headquarters of the Lithuanian Consulate in Constanța, by 30s of the last century, the house is sold to the Insurance Company – Steaua Română, and today it is the headquarter of the ING Baring Bank.

In 2015 Zottu house was put up for sale at the price of 800,000 euros. Property overlooking the sea has a built area of over 500 square meters.

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