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St. George Ortodox Church, VarshetsCod 2163

Cross-domed basilica. Its construction began in 1902, the iconostasis was finished in 1906. The church was declared as a cultural monument of local importance. The carving of the iconostasis is work of local artist, and the icons were painted by the famous academician Ivan Stefanov. Some of the icons date back from the XVII and XVIII century. Valuable are the four chandeliers produced in Jerusalem and Istanbul. They were donated by local wealthy people for the dedication of the church. Interesting are the two central candleholders donated in 1934 by the rebel of Dimitar Penev. In 1992 the church was renovated and decorated with beautiful frescoes. Especially many pilgrims are coming to the church on the patron Sveti Georgi`s Day when is make the tradition kurban soup.

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