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The Balkan Inn, ConstanțaCod 1134

Built in the early twentieth century, the building would have belonged to a mysterious rich man, who has ordered an architect to build a holiday home.

Subsequently, upon return to the country, when he saw the building erected by the architect decided to transform it into a restaurant, with terrace in the backyard.

Soon, the  Balkan Inn had to become a luxury tavern in the city center where, only the wealth were afford to eat, who paid a price for the reputation of the place.

People who step into the pub were dressed fine, and always had many documents to them, perhaps because of talking business.

Even ordinary people aspired to senior experience at this inn and they fought to drastic savings just to spent a night here.

The common people, who had no possibilities to enter, were content to watch from a distance.

The Balkan Inn consisted of a Balkan hotel, a restaurant, a park.

On the ground floor of the building was the Peasantry Balkan.

The building was built in Romanian Neo-Classic architectural style.

Right from the late eighteenth century the Neo-Classicism, is currently making a mark in religious buildings, adapting specific decorative elements of classicism Byzantine structures. These influences are seen in the mansions architecture. After 1830, the construction of large buildings is increasing, but die to the lack of specialists the foreigner architects are approached.

The Balkan Inn has classicist facade ornaments.

Many generations of Dobrogeans and tourists have crossed the threshold of the Balkan Inn to taste the traditional dishes served in the interwar period and to drink a Murfatlar wine cooler and cleaner. the communist era was also one of the most popular restaurants at the seaside. Dozens of tables on the terrace were loaded with pints of beer and small plates, devoured by working people. After the revolution it became a pizzeria and even a film club “on video” and would be resisted successfully for years.

Today, the building is a private property..


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