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The Saints Apostles Wooden Church, BrebinaCod 1498

The wooden church from Brebina was built around the year 1757, redone in 1835.

According to the Inventory of the localities and of the feudal monuments from the county Mehedinți for the year 1840, the church from Brebina was built up at the year 1756 on the property of Hagii by “Miss Anghelina and the priest Iovan Popescu”. The information from the inventory is supported also by two icons on a wooden work board, “The Synod of the Holy Angels” and “Saint John the Baptist”, painted by Nicolae Zugravul at 1757 (the icons are situated at the Congregation deposit from Strehaia).

Simion Zugravul paints at 1834, at the command of Dinu Ungureanu, the emperor doors. The inscription situated in the church demonstrates the fact that in the year 1869 “there was built this holy and divine church on a stone foundation …” on the expenses of the priest Iordache, of Ioniță Piciu from Baia de Aramă and of the inhabitants from Brebina which contributed at working – days.

It is considered the fact that in the year 1869, the church is being redone by using from the old church the good material and the used one being replaced. Other reconstructions take place in 1922, 1934 and 1958. They have been incrusted in the long bar of the porch.

The “Saint Apostles Peter and Pavel” church is a nave type, without any towers. Their place is marked in the apex of the roof by two clubs crosses.

It is built from thick bars, on a stone foundation, with the coating made of chalk and sand. The porch supported by the spherical piers is segmented by a high balustrade, of wooden double baseboard, oriented on the diagonal of the framing, with an original decoration of successive rhombs.

The painting, the interior, as well as the exterior one, are presented under the shape of medallions, with images of the apostles (at the exterior) and the military saints (at the interior).


The efforts of the local community, powerful pauperized in the last two decades, have been pointed towards the finishing of the wall church, at which the works have been conceived in the period 1935 – 1942 and then interrupted because of the war and of the new political regime. The church, with the titular saint of “Saints Apostles Peter and Pavel” and of the “Great Forty Martyr Saint Dimitrie” has been consecrated in the year 1996 by His Grace Damaschin Severineanul.

Brebina is a component locality of the city Baia de Aramă, in the North of the Mehedinți Plateau, at 275 meters altitude, of the Bulbei Valley.


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