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The Willow Tree of Petrache Lupu, MaglavitCod 1396

Friday, the 31st of May 1935, the village Maglavit, the county Dolj. While he was on the field with the sheep, a young man at the age of 17 had a mysterious vision. In front of him appeared an old man, dressed in white, who levitated at 20 cm. from the ground, near a willow tree. Scared, Petrache Lupu wanted to run, but he tripped and fell. Then, the boy was taught to advise the people to repentance and to go to the priest from the village, Nicolae Bobin, to tell him what happened.

Petrache didn’t dare to listen to the vision, believing the fact that his mind played him a trick. One week later, on the 7th of June, the old man appeared again, but the young man again didn’t disclose to anyone what had happened, because of the fear that people might consider him to be crazy and to send him to an asylum. On the following day of Friday, the 14th of June, around the hours 18.00, the shepherd had once again the vision from before. At a short while after Petrache Lupu disclosed what happened him, his occurrence traveled around Romania. The pilgrims started coming from all around the world, together with sick people in the search of easing their sufferings. The newspapers contributed in great part at popularizing the case; therefore the multitude of people was rising day after day. Near the church where serviced the priest Bobin, for the young man there was built a small gazebo, in front of who passed walking the multitudes of people, in carriages, coaches or with cars from the city. Petrache Lupu was walked around the country, being many times visited by the bishops, metropolitans, politicians, autochthons, as well as from abroad. The miracles didn’t take long to appear. The crippled who came from Maglavit and who met the curer would throw away their crooks and left on their own feet, happily to their homes. For their faith, many blind started seeing, repenting and following the correct path.

Then, decades after decades, the name of Petrache Lupu, namely the one of the commune from Dolj Maglavit, were synonymous with the “divine miracle” and with the miraculous heeling which happened here, but also with the affluence of the multitude of pilgrims. In the summer of the year 1935, in only one day, ten additional trains overloaded left for Craiova in order to transport the pilgrims to Maglavit situated at 15 kilometers from Calafat.

After the entering of Romania in the war with the Russians, together with the German allays, Petrache Lupu was taken by plane until the bend of Donului, to consecrate the troops, from the personal order of the marshal Ion Antonescu. It is said that the fortune teller would have said to the army that the war will be lost by the Romanians. After the communists arrived at the power, Petrache Lupu was marginalized, and the people continued to visit him, because of hear, only secretly. In the night of the 1st of August 1952, a car entered in the locality in which the saint carried on his days. This waited for them in the yard, changed and dressed in clean clothes. They put him in the car, but the car engine wouldn’t start, only after Petrache prayed for this to happen. Returned home in the month of October, the security men picked him up again in a couple of times, without being able to find him any kind of guilt in order to send him at the canal. Petrache Lupu was married with Veta, who died in 1966. He got remarries, living until the year 1998, in a house which wasn’t more special than the other ones from the village. Interesting is the fact that the shepherd who became a saint never took the money from the donations made by the ones who visited him at Maglavit. The neurologist Gheorghe Marinescu and the professor Constantin Parhob, who consulted the shepherd, gave the verdict that he was perfectly healthy.

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