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The Microdelta, ConstanțaCod 1138

Within the Museum of Natural Sciences Complex in Constanţa, beginning with 1985 a Micro-Reservation has entered into the public domain which covers an area of ​​about 6 ha of which 2 ha of water surface and paludous vegetation. This objective has been created to give visitors an idea, a more complex picture of the nature of Dobrogea.

This objective heritage, holds aquatic fauna (pelicans, swans, ducks and wild geese), Terrestrial fauna (peacocks, pheasants) and mammals (mouflon, fallow deer, rafters), which are found in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation and egureni Reservation. Many of these copies are monuments of nature and rare species of representation, more reduced in their natural habitat.
Some specimens were obtained through exchanges with other zoos and others were purchased or donated.

Annually the reproduction and breeding in captivity of many specimens belonging to various species (bighorn sheep, fallow deer) was successful.

In 2010 was brought from Doric / Bulgaria a copy of Mongolian horse Equus prijewalsky.

In the Micro-reservation you can meet in a natural setting, a total of 46 species, with an effective of more than 170 copies.

All these “residents” enjoy spacious “accommodation” according to European norms, the current trend is removing the concrete platforms and the surrounding  metal bars. At present this section is in full modernization and continues to increase and diversification of effectives. It is intended that this natural area to become not just a visitor area but a even one of relaxation and leisure,  spending free time in an educational and enjoyable way.

During the summer season, on the natural lake inside the Micro-Reservation can be admired colonies of pelicans and swans floating majestically. In winter, all ornithological specimens benefit from heated shelters.
In addition to leisure and relaxation side, in the la Micro-Reservation take also place organized visits of pupils and students to supplement the information in biology with the help of specialists.

However, the active involvement in volunteer programs, makes animal lovers participate in supervised feeding falling within their diet set for each species.

Within the section was initiated and a rescue center for sheltering and quarantine of specimens brought by individuals, especially in winter.


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