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Gondola, ConstanțaCod 1175

GONDOLA has been inaugurated on 16 July 2004 and since then has become a symbol of Mamaia resort. Thanks to this modern facility, tourists can enjoy the beautiful sensations provided by a trip over Mamaia resort.

A gondola ride lasts eight minutes and covers a length of about 2 kilometers between Hotel Perla and Casino, in both directions.

Embarking can be made from two stops, first in the area Perla Mamaia, and the second in the area Casino Mamaia.

During the ride, the red and yellow cabins float at a maximum height of 50 meters, passing over the highest hotels of the resort.

Sat comfortably on the benches inside gondolas you will admire breathlessly extraordinary panoramas over the Black Sea, Constanţa and Mamaia resort. Also, tourists can also see the beautiful lake Siutghiol

The capacity of a gondola is of eight seats, it being closed with natural ventilation and sunscreen, being strongly glazed in order to ensure a very good visibility.

The transport capacity is of 600-1500 persons per hour.

The maximum level of safety during the ride is guaranteed by the latest equipments and by the technical periodical inspections conducted in accordance with international standards.

Gondola does not operate every Monday between the hours 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. when technical inspection is carried out and also under adverse weather conditions.

Other technical details:

– the maximum cable inclination , of 19.72%;

– the speed of the cable movement will be of 5 m / s;

– the number of gondolas is of 49 pieces and the period they succeed each other is of 48 seconds;

Schedule: Monday-Sunday 10: 00-18: 00

Mamaia resort is the most popular resort on the bank of the Black Sea, in Romania, firstly documented during the year 1906, before existing only a small fishing village. Mamaia was built on a sand bank seaside between the Black Sea and the firth called Siutghiol (Sutgul: “the milky lake” in Turkish). The sand bank has a length of 8 km, but a width of only 300 m. The very large beach, with a width of up to 250 m, is covered with very fine sand, partly mineral, partly shelling. Over it there are situated many shops, restaurants, patios, clubs and discos.

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