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Marin Preda Memorial House, Siliștea GumeștiCod 1551

Marin Preda Memorial House is settled in the old school building in Siliştea-Gumesti, where Marin Preda studied. The building was constructed in 1910, in a period of development of educational institutions in the countryside.

Marin Preda Memorial House was inaugurated in 1982.

Inside can be found images of the writer Marin Preda, manuscripts and objects that restore his lifetime.

Marin Preda (born 5 August 1922 Siliştea Gumesti, Teleorman – died on 16 May 1980 Mogoșoaia) was a postwar Romanian writer and director of the publishing house “Romanian Book”.

Marin Preda was a fervent opponent of the communist regime. His last novel, “Cel mai iubit dintre pământeni” launched in 1980 is considered a violent criticism of communism. After a few weeks on the market, the novel was withdrawn from all public and university libraries and museums.

In April 1942 makes his debut with the sketch “Părlitu” in the newspaper ”Timpul” (no.1771 and 1772 of 15 and 16 April), on literary page “Popasuri ” endorsed by Miron Radu Paraschivescu. His debut at 20 years old gives him confidence in his writing, publishing further drawings and stories: “Strigoaica”, „Salcâmul”, „Calul”, „Noaptea”, „La câmp”.

In 1943 March, appears his “Colina” in the newspaper “Vremea războiului”. In April the newspaper “Evenimentul zilei” publishes the sketch Rotila.

Takes part in several meetings of the Cenacle Sburătorul led by the critic Eugen Lovinescu where the novella “Calul” produce a vivid impression on the audience, sparking the excitement of Nicodin Dinu, who receives the manuscript against of a large amount of money. The novella will be included in his debut volume in 1948, „Întâlnirea din pământuri”.

Between 1943-1945 is taken into the army, an experience described in his later works, in the novels “Viața ca o pradă” and “Delirul”. In 1945 becomes a proofreader in the newspaper “” Romania Liberă”.

Then from 1952 becames editor of the magazine “Viața românească”. In 1955 publishes the volume I of the novel “Moromeţii” and in 1967 appears the volume II of the novel.

In 1956 he receives the State Prize for his novel Moromeţii. In 1965 translates together with his wife Eta the novel The Plague by Albert Camus. In 1968 he was elected vice president of the Writers Union, and in 1970 became director of the publishing house “Cartea Românească”, that he will lead until his sudden death in 1980. In 1970 in collaboration with Nicholas Gane translate the novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky: “The demons”. His novel, “Marele singuratic” receives in 1971 the Writers Union prize.

In 1976 appears the second edition of the novel “Marele singuratic” and in 1977 publishes “Viața ca o pradă”, an extensive autobiographical novel that has as its main theme the crystallization of the conscience of an artist.

In 1980, at the publishing house that he was leading, publishes his last novel: Cel mai iubit dintre pământeni.

Between 1975 and 1980 he lives in Bucharest on street (painter) Alexander Romano no.21.

On May 16, 1980 dies at the villa of creation of the writers from the Mogoşoaia Palace.

His family is convinced that his his sudden death has a connection with the publishing of the novel “Cel mai iubit dintre pământeni” and that developed under hidden conditions.

Marin Preda is buried on the Alley of Writers in Bellu Cemetery.


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