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„All Saints” Church, CaracalCod 1584

One of the oldest architectural monuments from the Caracal is the Church “Toti Sfintii”. Of modest size but showing interesting architectural elements, the church draws attention and awakens the curiosity of all visitors.

In the inscription written in beautiful Cyrillic letters above the door to the porch, it is said that: “were built by himself seneschal Stoica  Boruzescu … at  leat  1818  on June 22 were begun to built and were finished in September.” So the inscription gives as year of construction the year 1818. However the architectural features lead, certainly, to a much older age namely the XVII th century or the XVlth century.The church, with very thick walls and small windows, with latticed iron, has been fortified construction used by local people in difficult circumstances..

In 1818, senechal Boruzescu apparently made an overhaul because he could not build it in so short time, indicated on the inscription.The shape of the monument is of a cross. At the entrance is a small porch, which is a late addition, since the beginning of the twentieth century, as is the tower. The porch of very small dimensionshas its roof dome-shaped supported on four arches.

The narthex is separated from the porch through a double wall, which at the height of the balcony, reserved for the choir, presents an entry with a scale placed between the two sides of the wall.

The nave and altar have shaped caps ceilings, supported on arches, as the porch. The temple, built of brick, has two entries instead of three, as usual churches have.

The church has exterior decorative elements, made up of belts, niches and mural painting. Exterior painting depicts images of saints, prophets.

The holy, glorious, conqueror the Great Martyr Christopher of Lycia, “Christ’s carrier” It is a holy martyr from the the third century. It is considered the protector of travelers. The Orthodox Church celebrates Him on May 9.

According to Orthodox tradition, St. Christopher was a very tall man, with an unusual force, which earned his bread by helping people cross a raging river carrying them on his back.

In the porch of the church, on the left, is a grave covered with a beautiful pink marble slab. Is the grave of Ioan Dumitriu, deputy of Caracal city, in  divan Ad-hoc. In 1857 forming a committee of Union in Caracal, Ioan Dumitriu was empowered to go to Bucharest and support the unification of the two Principalities: Moldova and Ţara Românească.

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