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The Art Gallery, BalchikCod 2003

Founded in the 30s of the 20th century, it is the oldest art gallery in southern Dobrogea. In 1987 it moved into its current building thanks to the sources of the Fund “1300 years of Bulgaria”. The building itself was built in the early 20th century and for many years housed the high school of the city.
In the sixties the restoration projects of the art gallery and of the inside museum have started. Works of art collection has been undertaken, the National Art Gallery donating 76 paintings, graphics and sculptures of Bulgarian artists. Along with donations of local people the first exhibition opens on May 25, 1965.
In 1987 it was granted a new building that is the former high school of the city, rebuilt with funds donated. The move is necessary because of the increasing number of exhibits.
At the first floor of the art gallery in Balchik are two exhibition halls where are arranged temporary exhibitions and foreign art room. At the second floor there is a permanent exhibition, including the most important and interesting works of Bulgarian artists. The permanent exhibition is divided into two main areas divided into two periods – art from the first half of the twentieth century art and art from the second half of the twentieth century. Themed sea landscapes works predominate in the exhibition, the old Balcic, portraits and still lifes, and several graphic images of some famous Bulgarian artists. Works painted by Romanian artists during the occupation are presented in the Art Gallery of Balchik. The gallery also keeps 14 paintings as legacy of the first museum exhibition.
Nowadays, Balchik and its Gallery Art are the center of annual events, such as European Horizon workshop, cartoon workshop and some international festivals. Exhibitions for children, literary meetings, recitals and chamber concerts are held in the gallery during Culture Days in May, the Albena national cultural holidays in September and the great week in August. Events related to the history of Balchik and regions as well as to our country are marked in the Gallery. The Gallery remains open to new works of young artists and who are already established artists in their respective fields.
The Art Gallery has a rich collection of works of art, which every year is enriched with new works purchased or donated. Currently, the fund has more than 1,500 works, by 447 Bulgarian and foreign artists, 556 paintings, 579 graphics, 170 cartoons, 118 watercolors and posters and 76 sculptures.

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