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Museum of Modern and Contemporary History, DobrichCod 2075

Museum of Modern and Contemporary History is at the beginning of city park is “St. George”, and was created in 1860 and declared monument of art park. Once, this place was a building – a center of social and cultural life of the city. Here took place for that time the modern balls and evenings, matinees and evenings. Later, known Italian architects turned the building into a casino. Maintaining its place in society obtained, for a short period of time it becomes emblem of the city that goes on the road to its European development. Today, two museum exhibition halls are arranged. In one it is present the exhibition “Dobrogea Nature” that impresses visitors with its original and power as it is built on the principle of dioramas and panels, its panoramic “come to life” natural landscapes, various representatives, typical flora and fauna of Dobrogea.
The neighboring room of the exhibition room is established as a hall of temporary exhibitions and educational programs. Here are presented visiting exhibitions of international significance, national and regional events occurring in the museum, educational programs, auditoria, extracurricular forms of education, lectures, workshops and competitions for children.

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