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The House-Museum of “Yordan Yovkov”, DobrichCod 2028

The house is a real estate with a cultural value of national importance. The house has retained the unique atmosphere of the famous Bulgarian writer time Yordan Yovkov who lived here, during the most romantic period of his life.

House-Museum “Yordan Yovkov” was opened in 1968, in th nativ Yokov wife’s house , Despina Koleva. Even today the museum opens its welcoming doors to show where they married according to the narrator, after the First World War – then still a young reserve officer. In the so-called “big room” in this house on 15th of December 1918 the narator Yordan Yovkov and Despina Koleva in Dobrich swears his faith. Here the narator wrote his first work on non-military – story “Reaper”.

From this cottage, in the spring of 1919 the narator secretly runs across the border between Romania and Bulgaria from Dobrich to Varna, separating himself from his forever beloved from Dobrogea, who should not live to see his return in Bulgaria again (1940). This is the only house in Dobrich where the novelist lived, so in 1976, the house-museum “Y. Yovkov” was declared a cultural monument of national importance, and only four years later the spectacular house-monument “Y. Yovkov” was built within it.

In connection with the anniversary of 117 years since the birth of narrator, it was carried out a comprehensive restoration and conservation, and in the “Grand Chamber” of the Abadzhikolyo house the atmosphere of times when the young family lived there was restored. In the other two rooms is arranged a museum exhibition dedicated to Despina Yovkov.

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