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Kolyo Ficheto’s Bridge, Byala CityCod 2299

The bridge from Byala is located at the northern-eastern end of the Byala city, Ruse municipality. It was built on the River of Yantra, between 1865-1867s, by the order of Midhat Pasha, the leader of the Danube vilayet. Its construction was required as a result of the new road, which in Byala, was passing over the Yantra River, and connecting the ancient town of Danube – Ruse vilayet with the capital of the Ottoman Empire – Istanbul.

For its construction, the Polish engineer, Lyudmil Rola, who was in the service of Midhat Pasha, has requested three million of grossi, and the master Kolyo Ficheto – the most famous master-builder of the Renaissance was hired to built it for 700.000 grossi, guaranteeing with his honor and life.
First, the master Kolyo Ficheto was hired to make a wax layout to calculate the amount needed for construction of the bridge. This is the only objective of construction, the master made a layout. At the same time with the bridge of Byala, Kolio Ficheto built the church of “Sf. Troitsa” from Svishtov.

The blacksmiths from Gabrovo carpenters and masons from Tryanvna and Dryanovo and peasants from Byala helped to the construction of the bridge. Its length is of 276 m and the width of 9.5 m. It has 13 supporting pillars and 14 semicircular arches. In the middle stands a column, where lies a marble plaque inscribed in Arabic.

The stone bridge near Byala is a remarcable work of the Renaissance age. The supporting pillars are decorated with symbolic sculptures: griffin, nymph, swan. The bridge is a real work of art. An unique combination of architecture and sculpture is observed here. So far, similar ornaments were used only for decoration of buildings. Uneven masonry of the bridge is lined with dense limestone, well processed and the foundations have a wavy finish. Each of them looks alike the facade of a building, the openings, crossing it having the shape of open and closed windows.

Midhat Pasha rewarded the master with the „Medgidie” order, on behalf of the Sultan and gave him 50 thousand grossi and a a large plot in Tarnovo.
During the great floods in 1897, the western half of the bridge was destroyed. In 1922-1923s was made another part instead of the one destroyed from concrete. In 1977 the figure of the sculpture manufacturer was placed.

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