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Tandem Skydiving, ErdenCod 2200

Tandem skydive is the easiest way to experience what you have only dreamed of, or whether you were unsure how to do this crazy idea.
You do not need any medical research or training. Just come to the airport at the time agreed and we will take care of you. For those aged between 10 and 16, the tandem jump requires parental consent. For those over 16 years all it takes is the desire to jump.
First you will have a brief training before the jump and you can experience the same feeling as a real paratrooper. The adrenaline increases when the aircraft climbs and the feeling is unbelievable as you exit the plane; you will feel the beauty of the free flight and the freedom of birds, and finally a soft landing back on earth.
The instructor will explain everything you need to know in 15 minutes in a brief information, and then you put an expansion garment (the overall) and a special tandem harness. You will be given special glasses to protect your eyes. We assure you, that our instructors are experienced and well trained and the used equipments are certified. Then, you and your instructor go up in tandem in the airplane which will fly up to the required height for jump (the flight lasts about 15-20 min.). During the ascent the tandem will connect to harness and once you reach the desired height, you leave the plane.
You will jump from 3,200 meters above the ground. You will enjoy 40 seconds of freefall, with about 200 km / h. At 1500 meters the instructor opens the parachute and you willbe flying with open parachute 6-8 minutes, you can attempt to control it. Shortly before landing, the instructor will take back the control of the parachute, to land on dry ground slowly and safely.

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