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Gushovski Monastery “St. Archangel Michael”, ChiprovtsiCod 2158

Gushovski monastery “St. Archangel Michael” is located approximately 7 km southwest of Chiprovtsi. To the monastery leads a good gravel road accessible for cars. The nature and places around the monastery are truly divine grace. According to local legend, many years ago, one day, people have climbed on the mountain of the monastery, and a deer descended from the mountain, which was named Gushovets that because of its white spot on the chest. People waited for the deer to rest and drink water and then slaughtered it.
National memory has kept the legend and connects with the date of Chiprovo revolt – September 6th. From ancient times to this day all Chiprovitsi residents honor the date of September 6th and make a meal with a sacrifice.It is not known when it was created the Gushovski monastery, but in reality was burned and destroyed as the Chiprovtsi revolt in 1688 as it is written here, when the rebels withdrew was given one last battle with the angry hordes. It is known that in the eighteenth century the bishop remained here when he came from Sofia. The Gushovski Monastery did not play a small role in Chiprovtzi, in the development of Chiprovci as a cultural and educational center. From the former abbey church today remained the walls of the church and piles of stones from the buildings of the monastery.
The monastery church is a building with a single ship, with narthex. Its walls were built with stones and mortar, and today they are entirely dug into the ground to a depth of two meters. In the northwest corner are canonical niches; there are two niches on both sides of the entry into the west wall.
About the fact that the church was ever decorated inside, talk the frescoes that appear here and there in small picturesque fragments.The impact is magnified by a majestic towering stone cross on the northwest hill of the monastery. What made almost unknown, a few years ago in the Gushovski monastery can be…

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