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Pleven Central Square, PlevenCod 2252

The Square is the central square of the town of Pleven. Built during 1976-1977g designed by Eng. Vasil Mutafchiev in honor of the 100th anniversary of the liberation of Pleven. The unique water cascade, which boasts Pleven is also built on his project and was put into operation five years later, in 1982. Renaissance Square are located and iconic city buildings – Municipality Pleven, mausoleum, “St. George the Victorious,” House of the Army, Library Hristo Smirnenski, Central Post Office. The square is completely renovated in 2014 already has 7dka new green areas with which the territory is divided into four functional areas. Bottom and sides of the large fountain in the center of Pleven are lined with Italian polished gray granite, and new water and lighting effects are even more attractive. With its new modern and colorful appearance Renaissance Square enjoys Pleven and tourists and is a favorite place for recreation large and small.

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