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The Equitation Centre from the Village Riben, RibenCod 2254

The name of the village comes from a former Roman establishment and the causeway station Ad Reclamatia. Situated on the territory of today’s fields of the village, it was named a fish village, because of the fish in large quantities from the river. The area of the lake, which today is a area of catching the water for the village and for the town Guleanți, during the rimes of the Turkish occupation it was an opened lake. When the son of the local Aga drowned there, the Aga ordered the villagers to plant spines alongside the coast and to drown the lake. Since then and until our days, it completely disappeared and became an under-terrain water source.
In the village Ribe, there exists a cycling path unique in the Balkans, which sheltered national and international competitions. Like almost all the fishing villages at the national level, it isn’t so much lived, but there is a tendency of the young people of coming back.

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