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The Museum of History, PavlikeniCod 2558

The Pavlikeni History of Museum was founded in 1978. The Museum has seven exhibitions – ancient pottery center, Gallery of Art, Archaeology, Revival, Ethnography, Modern History and temporary exhibitions. The museum contains many valuable artifacts such as ancient columns that reach more than 2 meters, eternal calendar with wall paintings and icons painted by Venko and others.

The Museum of History – Pavlikeni promotes, studies and preserves the cultural heritage of the town of Pavlikeni and 20 villages in the region. In the Museum there are more than 22.000 stock units monuments of culture. Through its literature published in local and regional media and widely already printed, the museum helps to promote the region’s history of Pavlikeni. Being one of the few cultural institutions in historical museum of the city, it has an essential role in aesthetic and patriotic education of the younger generation in the city. Every year in the museum are organized temporary exhibitions highlighting different periods of history and which show the diversity of this region.

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