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Art Gallery Boris Denev, Veliko TarnovoCod 2481

The Art Gellery Boris Denev was opened in 1934 in the Veliko Tirnovo City. It is one of the oldiest and richest galleries in Bularia. It was created in order to collect and store the works of Bulgarian artists and to follow the development of Bulgarian art over the years.

The construction has a memorable architecture, multiple windows along the stone walls and tall columns, rising to the main entrance. It is one of the oldest galleries in the country.
Located right in the heart of Mount Athos, whereby beautiful views to the Stambolov Bridge and Yantra River could be seen and wherefrom a magnificent view above the whole city opens. For many years here the most diverse and valuable paintings of Bulgarian artists from different generations and times have gathered, in order for Art Gallery of State to have one of the reachest collections of paintings of talented masters of brush.
The three sections – paintings, engravings and sculptures are placed on the surface of 850 square meters and the collected museum exhibits thereof count 5530. Here you may see paintings belonging to Vladimir Dimitrov – The Master, Boris Denev, Nikola Tanev and many others.

On first floor are listed the themed exhibits “Veliko Tirnovo through the eyes of the artist”, which are updated from time to time. On the second floor, The Art Gallery exhibits works from its fund and works from temporary exhibitions.

After 9 September 1944, the building belonged to People’s Militia. There were cells where prisoners were held and tortured by political and criminal reasons.

The Veliko Tirnovo Gallery is located in the heart of the city, in a beautiful building in “Asenevtsi Park”, and it offers lovely views over Tirnovo, the old city. Only at a few meters from the Gallery, there is the “Asenevtsi Monument”, which was built in 1985 at the age of 800 years since the Uprising of the Asen and Peter brothers.

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